A Quick Review on Variables

By: Idel Martinez

Declare-ing a variable.

int main(void)
  /* This program doesn't do much, but it does declare three variables
   * of different types!
   * Notice that we declare variables like this:
   * <return_type> <variable_name>;

  int num0;
  float num1;
  double num2;

  return 0;

Assigning a value to a variable with the assignment operator: =

Using the previous example, let’s assign values to the variables! We can do this in different ways:

int main(void)
  int num0;  // Declare a variable
  num0 = 10; // Assign a value to it

  float num1 = 0.5; // Declare a variable and assign a value to it in the same line

  double num2 = sqrt(4); // Declare a variable and assign the value of whatever the function returns (in this case 2.0)

  return 0;